A Book I Would Love to write… would be about ‘Misery’ because in my country Georgetown/Guyana my brother-in-law who was the driver, drove all the way to Pomeroon-Supenaam Region # 2 Anna Regina to visit his parents and siblings. Unfortunately he came across a big thunderstorm; he crashed his car and fell unconscious. When he woke up, he noticed that his leg was broken and instead of being sent to the hospital, he was rescued by an experienced nurse named Joan Jones who lived in the desolate suburb and claimed she was his number one super fan. She was deeply obsessed by his athletic physique, hard, muscular body because he was Guyana’s cricket coach. At the beginning, she was nice: fed him, bathed him and gave him Novril to relieve his pain. But when she found out that he was married and had to return to his wife and children she was furious and started torturing him. She made him miserable she had nothing but the power to make him feel better or painful as hell… my brother-in-law escaped from Joan and left alive.
I would love to write a book… which is related to this ‘Misery’ which shows the darkness of human mind. When things are out of our expectations, we may lose control. Just like Joan, she didn’t like my brother-in-law’s married story and refused to believe that the story of her ‘Misery’ was over; she then decided to make him suffer in pain. It could be too exaggerating, you might say. The truth is we may blame others when we have a bad time, just like Joan, and this will hurt the feelings of our friends and family.
Although I agree that Joan was insane and we could hardly forgive what she did, she was only a tragic character. As I see, she had neither friends nor relatives and therefore I am quite sure she didn’t know how to interact with people. Somehow she didn’t know how to cope with difficulties and accept the reality too. Finally her personality put herself and others in pain. I think people should not blame others for making their lives miserable. After all, we can live the lives we are living or live the lives we like. For some reasons, I think that Joan thought herself was ‘Misery’; having led a boring life, she wanted to have an adventure or a romance like ‘Misery’.
I would love to write this terrific book… that creates tension and spooky atmosphere, which I would dare everyone to, read!
Elena – Thank you and I will let you know about my publishing of my book. Isn’t it a great story and this is true.
Yvette, even this brief description of your book got me enthralled! Let me know when it is published!